![]() Statistically, 75% of young people with a Christian background who enroll at university stop going to church. For any army to lose three quarters of its forces is catastrophic. The Biblical Worldview Summit practically prepares students to deal with the issues, temptations and pressures of university. The Summit equips students with the facts and the skills they need to deal with Humanism and Evolutionism. The Summit applies the Lordship of Christ to all areas of life. "And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may approve what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God." Romans 12:2 The Summit is a crash-course to enable students to understand and articulate the Christian worldview, to enable you to answer the toughest questions and to equip you with the skills and the confidence you need to respond to every challenge to your Christian faith. ![]() Christianity is not for the weak minded. It is not enough to simply believe. You have to know what you believe and why you believe. And you need to be able to defend it. The Summit will enable you to understand, and respond in a Biblical way to, everything from Relativism to Dualism, from Hollywood to Humanism, from Marxism to Islam. The Summit can change your life. Participants of previous Summits have written these responses: "An amazing experience which strengthened my faith" ; "It has renewed my enthusiasm for Jesus" ; "Very different to any other kind of Christian camp' ; 'A great time of spiritual revival"; "The Summit gave me solid foundations for defending and living my faith" ; "The Best experience in my life so far"; "Well organised, stimulating, fun, wonderful! ![]() The Biblical Worldview Summit is packed full with cutting edge research, films, presentations and valuable information. It actually makes it enjoyable for students to serve the Lord and to stand up and speak up for the Christian worldview. "See to it that no-one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ." Colossians 2:8 If you don't want to be conformed to this world, but want to change your world for Christ, obtain the BWS books and CDs that provided a great survival course for the Christian mind and soul, and effective resources for Apologetics and Evangelism on Campuses. Mind Siege
Understanding the Times The Battle For Truth The Culture Wise Family Biblical Principles for Africa Putting Feet to Your Faith The Biblical Worldview Manual Biblical Worldview Summit audio CD's or MP's Redeem the time. Renew your mind. For more information, visit: www.frontline.org.za See also: Universities: Hijacking Our Youth? University Brainwashing The Christian Roots of Education How the Reformation Changed the World The Reformation Roots of Western Civilisation Christophobia The next Biblical Worldview Summit will be held near Cape Town (27 June � 3 July 2007 ).
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