To view the video of this presentation, click here. To listen to the audio of this presentation, click here. To view the PowerPoint of this presentation, click here. “…contend earnestly for the Faith which was once for all delivered to the saints.”Jude 3 The extraordinarily devastating Black Lives Matter (BLM) and ANTIFA riots, violence, looting and arson sprees in so many cities, not only across the USA, but in other parts of the world as well, should be a major wake up call to the many Christians who do not want to engage the culture and routinely censor the Scriptures to only preach and teach nice, non-confrontational, willow-creek, purpose-driven, saddleback, prayer of Jabez, lukewarm, lame, weak-kneed, comforting messages. Ken Ham has documented in his book, Already Gone, that the vast majority of young people of the majority of Western churches abandon the church within a few years of completing high school.
What is Wrong With Our World? Almost on a daily basis each of us is confronted by the reality of a world that is in rebellion to its Creator. The desecration of the Lord's Day, the proliferation of pornography, the escalation of crime and violence, the breakdown of moral standards, the legalisation of abortion, the break up of families and the explosion of child abuse all remind us that we live in a sinful society which has forgotten God. What is wrong with our world? Sin. Mankind is in rebellion against God. What is Wrong With the Church? Almost as often we wonder what is wrong with the church. Why has the church become so ineffective? How can it be that so many Christians in so many churches have such a diminishing effect on the moral climate of society? Can we honestly say that we have been praying and working against evil when we see evil increasing? (Matt 18:18-20; Psalm 94:16). Has the salt of the earth lost its saltiness? Is the light of the world being hidden under a bowl? (Matt 5:13-16). During the last 22 years of travelling extensively and ministering in 23 countries, I have had the privilege of witnessing several churches operating as God intended them to - in revival. Since experiencing the powerful presence and blessing of God in the revivals of Romania and KwaSizabantu it has been very hard for me, and other missionaries of Frontline Fellowship, to fit back into the shallow and half-hearted state of most churches in South Africa. All around we see evidence of a rising tide of godlessness. Crime and grime, litter and pollution, pornography and prostitution, gambling and drunkenness, drug abuse and urban decay, legalised abortion and child abuse, corruption in government and racial quotas in the workplace, sex education and social engineering in schools, hostility to Christianity and intolerance of Biblical standards. “I looked for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand before Me in the gap, on behalf of the land, so I would not have to destroy it …” Ezekiel 22:30 Are we just to accept this downward trend as inevitable? Are we not to grieve over this national catastrophe of broken homes, broken lives and broken hearts? Should we not rise up and challenge this destruction of all moral and ethical foundations? “See the trouble we are in: Jerusalem lies in ruins and its gates have been burned with fire. Come, let us rebuild the wall … and we will no longer be in disgrace.” Nehemiah 2:17 Some have suggested that celebrating the great spiritual Revival and birth of freedom achieved by the Reformation is unnecessarily divisive, and antagonistic to our Catholic neighbours and brethren. This is an unfortunate and unjustified assumption. The purpose of celebrating the Reformation is not to re-open old wounds or to blame present day Roman Catholics for what popes and their followers may have done four to five centuries ago. The purpose of celebrating the Reformation is to focus on the tremendous courage and convictions of those Reformers who restored to us the Bible, freely available in our own languages. The battle cries of the Reformation: Scripture alone is our authority, Christ alone is the Head of the Church, salvation is by the grace of God alone, received by faith alone, is positive and beneficial to all. The publishing of our new book Biblical Principles for Africa has sparked a lot of interest and controversy. We have been greatly encouraged by the many enthusiastic endorsements and positive responses to Biblical Principles for Africa. Just in these first 2 weeks, hundreds of copies of the book have been purchased and we've had many phone calls and E-mails with positive feed-back from those who appreciate and support its message. There have also been a number of media opportunities as a result, including on Christian and secular radio stations. What has also been remarkable, has been the absolute hostility many have towards the Bible and Christianity. At our first Book Launch, at Parliament, one journalist responded to my Power Point presentation God's Law or Chaos, by saying: "If the choice is between God's Law or Chaos, I'd rather have chaos!" I suppose Christian charity, work ethic, honesty and prosperity doesn't make as much news as crime, corruption, debauchery and lawlessness. On a secular national radio programme (702 Talk Radio/Cape Talk), I was astounded at the intense opposition to the book from listeners calling in. Naturally, none of them could have actually read the book yet, however, the vitriolic outbursts revealed a prejudice against Christianity and a hostility for the Bible which seems to be increasing in many circles.
“Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.” 2 Corinthians 3:17
The Record of History It is remarkable how much discussion, debate and media attention is given to the old slavery, that was exposed and opposed by Christians, such as member of parliament, William Wilberforce, over 200 years ago and how little attention is given to the much worse and greater numbers enslaved by the Muslim slave trade, as exposed and opposed by Dr. David Livingstone and others in the 19th century. Outrageous Silence on Human Trafficking Today It is scandalous how little attention or concern is given to the ongoing Islamic slave trade to this day. Even more outrageous is the virtual silence over the very worst slavery in history, which is prevalent and pervasive throughout the world today – to this day: Human trafficking and sexual slavery. BRUSSELS - THE CAPITAL OF EUROPE During my recent Mission to Europe I was struck by the high number of Muslims in the cities of Belgium and the Netherlands. The capital of Belgium, Brussels, is also the headquarters of NATO and the home of the European Parliament. Brussels describes itself as the capital of Europe. It is now one of the most Islamic cities in Europe. Demographic Shift Sociologist Felice Dassetto, author of The Iris and the Crescent book, projects that Muslims will comprise the majority of the population of Brussels by 2030. Muslims are now officially 6% of the total population of Belgium, but over 25% of the population of Brussels. His year long research has shown that Islam now mobilises more people in Brussels than the Roman Catholic Church, political parties, or even the trade unions. Abortion and Immigration With the low birth rate of Belgians, and extremely high abortion rates, the indigenous Belgian population is in steep decline. However, the Muslim community continues to grow through both high birth rates and marriage migration. Nearly 35% of the Moroccans and Turks in Belgium are below 18 years of age, as compared to 18% of Belgians. In Antwerp, Belgium's second largest city, 40% of elementary school children are Muslim. This article can also be viewed with pictures as a PowerPoint presentation on Slideshare. Constructive Chaos The New World Order has used wars, economic depressions, recessions and population control to undermine Western civilisation and bring about their Globalist Agenda. Demographic Engineering Through aggressive population control tactics, promoting birth control, abortion, sterilisations and massive propaganda of "Overpopulation" the globalists have dramatically brought down the population of Europeans and Americans. Then, by betraying stable governments in Africa, Asia and South America, and bringing about economic collapse, a vast movement of refugee populations has been stimulated into Europe, North America, South Africa and Australia. By dramatically decreasing populations of those countries traditionally Christian and exploding the populations of mostly pagan and anti-Christian races the goal is a dramatic change in demographics and the death of the West. Eurabia The sharp decline of the birth rate of Europeans and the massive influx of Muslim immigrants into Europe, for example, is hoped to bring about a transformation of Europe into Eurabia. The goal in all of this is a world population more amenable to manipulation and control by the Globalists for their New World Order. A World War of Worldviews From the French Revolution of 1789 to the collapse of the Iron Curtain in 1989, Europe has been a continent in conflict with the forces of secular humanism, socialism and Marxism waging a war on many fronts - against the Christian heritage and institutions of Europe. Fruit of the Reformation From the time of the Reformation, Europe led the world in scientific innovation, industrial development, economic and military power, and political influence - worldwide. All of this grew out of the dynamic spiritual growth of the continent. Retreat from Victory However, the dominance of Europe was devastated by the two world wars which crippled its economic development and devastated the spiritual foundations of most of its countries. 1.Prayerlessness What ever happened to the Prayer Meeting? For centuries the Prayer Meeting was an essential part of Church life, an indispensable part of the weekly programme. Yet few churches today have an active, vibrant Prayer Meeting in which most members participate. "Then Jesus told His disciples that they should always pray and not give up." Luke 18:1. 2.Neglect of the Word of God We need to know the Word of God and the God of the Word. God guides us first and foremost through His Word. The best way to know the Will of God is to study the Word of God. It is our priority to ensure that we are "not conformed to this world, but transformed by the renewing of our minds, then we will be able to prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God." Romans 12:2. |
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